Monday, January 19, 2009

it's hard.

I cry a lot these days. Goodbyes are so so difficult for me. If you want to learn how much your friends mean to you, leave them all behind.
I'm just hoping that all the freaking out I am doing is getting it out of my system before I leave.

I saw the new Charlie Kaufman movie today, Synecdoche, New York. Charlie boy does not disappoint! I feel like I need to watch it about one hundred more times to fully understand it though.

I leave Friday. Oh. My. God.


Trevor Bradshaw said...

nothing easy is worth doing.

lolmermaid said...

we havent met yett
but we will soon.

cecil said...

goodbyes are the worst. i still don't get them right so i avoid them.

that movie was the best to come out last year by far.

Anonymous said...

don't cry lady :[ i know how you feel though. leaving is never easy, but you're not going away forever. just enjoy your time there :]