Wednesday, April 8, 2009

rant of sorts

It really bothers me how harshly people are judged sometimes. Not in every case, or hopefully even most cases, but it seems to me like Christians are some of the most judgmental people I know. (like I said, this is not the case all the time, or even most of the time). But a Christian has no right to judge someone who chooses to be agnostic, atheist, Jewish, Buddhist, and so on. I was raised Christian and went to a Christian school for nine years. What I learned from the teachings and belief system is that the most important rule is to love and be loved. and that the only one who can ever judge is God. Just because someone is not a Christian does not mean they do not have a good heart and extremely high morals. Being atheist does not mean someone is an evil, corrupt, lyin', stealin' lady of the night. In fact, my best friend, who happens to be atheist, is one of the most good-hearted girls I have ever had the pleasure to have in my life.
With me and my friend, deciding to not be a Christian was a choice, influenced by nothing other than our own personal beliefs. That doesn't mean that all "christian" morals fly out the window when one makes this decision. I consider myself very well-versed in Christianity and the Bible, but just because I don't accept it as my faith and religion doesn't mean I didn't learn anything from the teachings.
Really, what is important is having a good heart. As the bible says, see the plank in your eye before you focus on a speck of sawdust in your neighbor's eye.

ANYWAY- glad I got that off my chest.

Kat is in town!! We went to the Anne Frank house yesterday, which was extremely moving. It gave me chills to stand in her room, with the cut-outs from magazines she used to decorate the walls still there.
Tonight is Euro beer night! Kat's two friends come into town this evening, so we should have fun times. So much stuff to do, so little time.
Amsterdam is the coolest city ever. It's a city of letting go, moving on, and being HAPPY. At least for me :)


hope said...

i've always wanted to see the anne frank house. so neat!

Anonymous said...

I am a Christian so we don't necessarily believe the same things, but haven't seen anyone say what you said better. So good job! Christian or not, I have no room to talk about anyone. My sin is just as worse as some elses. It's all equal. If we as humanity just focused on bettering our own self and showing love to everyone then this world would be in such better shape.

anappleaday said...

:) well said

Joseph Kennerly said...

The thing to keep in mind is that the people that represent each side are much more radical in their beliefs than most of the others that don't wish to act like that. The Christians that are mostly in the spot light are always the extreme ones that condescend people for not being perfect. It goes the same way for Atheists. The most popular Atheists are the ones that are really hostile against Christianity. So who can blame anyone for having such misinterpreted views of opposing beliefs?

anappleaday said...

you're right, Joe. I was referring to a certain situation in this entry, which is why it is so one-sided. but I completely agree that a percentage of every religious or non-religious group is going to be radical and annoying. I'm not Christian, agnostic, or athiest, so I really love to talk and learn about it all.