Dear Breakfast,
I love you.
Yours truly,
Crushes are fun, aren't they? I am starting to think that the initial crush and innocent flirting are more fun than the "real deal". It's light and easy, he makes you blush and smile, he hasn't tried to sleep with any of your friends know! Regardless, boys are making us girls here all a little giddy. Ah, but if only they were easier to read!
peanut butter and banana sandwiches, i love you for that.
are there any foods over there that are 'crazy' compared to things americans would eat?
haha oh Hope, Americans would eat anything!
BUT, that said, look up bitterballen. I think that's how it's spelled. It's these little fried balls filled with meat and cheese. Also, Turkish pizza is kind of strange. It's more like a burrito than actual pizza. And the pancakes here...they put stuff inside them. Like ham, bacon, cheese...
There is a lot of food here that we don't have in America, but not much that is really disgusting. OH, except they eat salted licorice. Like, you can buy it extra salty. It sounds disgusting but the Dutch are obsessed.
I'm actually headed over to my neighbors room now to have a pancake party yay!
The fact that you like my album list makes me think that you and I should be best friends.
Yeah I never really understood why we didn't hang out more. I'll be August. We'll get to it then. mine is
haha, I suppose I can wait until then.
I have not yet joined into the world. I don't really know what it is.
It's basically just a website that shows what music you are listening to on iTunes, and shows you your top artists and whatnot. Also gives suggestions on bands you might like.
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