Guess what? I've already been here for a month! Kind of hard to believe, huh?

Guess what else? The American flu shot doesn't work against the evil evil thing that is the Euro Flu! yay! I have LITERALLY not left my room/building since I got back from the Hague on Saturday except to crawl to Albert Heijn to get sickness supplies such as soup, juice, Rivella (my favorite drink ever!), oranges, and tea. Oh and I also managed to go to class today...can't afford to get behind!
The Euro Flu has these following symptoms: going from healthy and happy to agony in a matter of minutes; body and muscle aches so severe that you proooobably will just lay in bed all day and groan like an old man and maybe shed a few tears; also, headaches that make you want to cease existing; when you get the strength to stand, you will walk like a cripple; also, the possibility of spontaneous heavy nosebleeds whenever you stand; a throat so sore that you wonder if perhaps the gods hates you; coughing and wheezing; coughing up objects that look like they may be alive; tumors on tonsils; hilarious delirium; fevers that wake you up because you are sweating so much; and the weirdest dreams....EVER.
So, long story short, everyone send some good vibes my way so I do not have to be a flu zombie anymore.
In other news, Stockholm next weekend!
In other other news, I need a space cake. and on my way to class today I saw two pigeons doing it.
That's all for now! LOOOOOVE